The paperwork has been signed and your new house keys are in hand, but now it’s time to tackle packing. Getting ready to move into your new home is an exciting time for home buyers, but can feel like a daunting task sorting and packing up each room. After helping buyers and sellers throughout the years, I have come to see firsthand how moving to a new home provides the perfect opportunity to declutter and downsize your belongings.
The Motley Fool, outlines three simple guidelines for new home owners that will insure successful packing (and purging) of your items.
1. “When was the last time it was used?” As the article mentions, if the item or clothing in question has not been used in over a year, it is time to donate it.
2. “Don’t let nostalgia trump reason.” This guide line goes hand in hand with guideline number 1. If the item is unusable and doesn’t serve a purpose other than a memory, it might be time to let the item go and make room for new memories.
3. “If it hasn’t been opened since the previous move, get rid of it.” Are you sensing a pattern in these guidelines? If you have unopened totes and boxes from previous moves, donate them and make room for new items in your new home!
These simple guidelines can be helpful when sorting and getting ready to move into a new house. Moving into a new house is an exciting opportunity to start new and let go of old, unused items. If you are ready to make a move, contact me to begin searching for your next home!